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A study on impact of green HRM policies and practices on environmental sustainability |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Impact of scholarships on students of higher education |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Factors affecting advertisement in consumer behavior |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Factors influencing trainees career choice among technical and vocational training trainees: Implications for psycho-educational intervention |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Globalization and its impact on agriculture sector of Bihar |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Measuring quality as students' problem-solving skill development in mathematics: The case of grades 9 and 10 students in Addis Kidame Secondary School, Amhara Region, Ethiopia |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Higher education: Issues, challenges and suggestions |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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A detailed study of self-concept and gender |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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A case study on decadence and downfall of Thomas Cook |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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An experimental research on student achievement in hindi grammar taught through teams-games-tournaments under cooperative learning and through traditional method |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Gender differences among university students in access and perception towards e-learning |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Big Five traits and academic motivation: A systematic review |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Gender differences in suicidal ideation, loneliness, attitude towards alcohol and drug abuse and peer relations |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Express of change: red, yellow or green for Indian Railways |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Globalization in theoretical and historical perspective |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Evaluation of learning process in distance education |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Perceived stress and coping strategies: Gender differences among college students’ |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |
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Academic stress among adolescents: Factors and roles |
₹ 200.00 |
₹ 200.00 |