Mindfulness among theatre artists and non-theatre artists
Pages: 1815-1819
H. Kavya and Varsha A. Malagi (Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College, Ujire, Karnataka)
Engaging Performance: Theatre as call and response present a combined analysis and workbook to examine “socially engaged performance.” It offers a range of key practical approaches, exercises, and principles for using performance to interact in an exceedingly kind of social and artistic projects. The present study aims at finding the level of mindfulness among theatre artists and non- theatre artists. The participants of the study include 120 male and female young adults of age ranging from 18-75 years. The purposive sampling method was employed for the collection of data. Self-report measures were used to identify the status of mindfulness among the participants. The participants were administered using the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale was developed by Brown and Ryan in the year 2003 with adequate reliability and validity. Obtained result was statistically analysed using Two-way Analysis of Variance. The result indicates that there is no significant difference in the level of mindfulness among theatre and non- artists and there is no significant gender difference in the level of mindfulness among theatre and non-artists. Awareness of the mindfulness can be taught to both the groups.
Pages: 1815-1819
H. Kavya and Varsha A. Malagi (Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College, Ujire, Karnataka)