Migraine and cognitive distortion: The impact on social change
Pages: 1900-1902
Ankita Kumari and Pratibha Singh (Department of Psychology, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, Bihar)
Now a day’s life is very busy and complicated. It has led to physical and mental disorderliness among people. Migraine is one of the common decease which badly influences a large number of population every year in our country. It is a kind of headache in which patients feel pain on one side of their head. They also feel vomiting and nausea. Some researches have shown that migraine creates cognitive distortion in patients. The term Cognitive distortion refers poor thinking regarding self and external world. The main thrust of this research is to know the cognitive effects of migraine in adults and to know the effect of gender and age on cognitive distortion.50 migraineur and 50 non- migraineur adults “mean age35” were selected by purposive sampling method. Migraineurs were selected from different hospitals of Ranchi and non- migraineur adults were selected from Ranchi town. After analysis of data it was found that migraineurs had significantly higher cognitive distortion in comparison to non- migraineurs, gender does not affects the level of cognitive distortion and samples having 31 to 35 age range had low cognitive distortion than 36 to 40 aged samples.
Pages: 1900-1902
Ankita Kumari and Pratibha Singh (Department of Psychology, Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara, Bihar)