Loneliness and anxiety among mobile phone addicted college students
Pages: 1174-1177
Vinayak R. Pathak and R. S. Mhaske (Department of Psychology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra )
This study was aimed at analysing the relationship between loneliness, anxiety, and mobile phone addiction among college students in the age group of 18 years to 21 years. The sample of 100 college students using smart phone was collected from various colleges in the city of Pune using incidental sampling method. The Pearson correlation, t-test, and regression analysis was used for analysing the data on SPSS 20. The study revealed that the loneliness and anxiety both were positively related to mobile phone addiction. The regression analysis showed that the loneliness and anxiety both were able to predict the mobile phone addiction.
Pages: 1174-1177
Vinayak R. Pathak and R. S. Mhaske (Department of Psychology, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra )