Life satisfaction among homosexual men in India
Praful K., Shahid E and Manisha Kiran (Department of PSW, Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi, Jharkhand)
Bhupendra Singh (Psychiatric Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry PGIMS, Rohtak)
Amool Ranjan Singh (Director, RINPAS, Ranchi, Jharkhand)
Background: Homosexuality exits in across the culture and from the ancient time but it’s have some stigma and discrimination from the community especially in Asian region. This stigma and discrimination cause several type of day to day life difficulties and also become a hurdle in peoples development and life satisfaction. Aam: Aim of the present study was to assess the level of life satisfaction of this self defined homosexuals and heterosexual males. Method: Sample selection was done through snow ball sampling and it was voluntary. Result: people with homosexual orientation having poor level of life satisfaction in comparison to heterosexuals. It is very clear from the literature and present study findings that people with same sex orientation have gain access to the personal sexual practices but have been hampered their life satisfaction significantly.
Praful K., Shahid E and Manisha Kiran (Department of PSW, Ranchi Institute of Neuro-Psychiatry and Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi, Jharkhand)
Bhupendra Singh (Psychiatric Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry PGIMS, Rohtak)
Amool Ranjan Singh (Director, RINPAS, Ranchi, Jharkhand)