Life satisfaction among college students: A study exploring the role of resilience

Sudha Rathore (Department of Psychology, The IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan )

Resilience is the capacity to cope with and adjust to change in the face of adversity. The present study investigated the relationship between resilience (hardiness, optimism, resourcefulness, & purpose) and Life satisfaction among college students. For the study 120 participants (60 males & 60 females) of colleges from Delhi between the ages of 19-21 years were selected. The tools used included and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale and Satisfaction with life scale. Results revealed that there was a significant gender difference on only one dimension of resilience (Purpose). It was also found that there is a significant positive relation between life satisfaction and components of resilience. The immediate implication of this study would be to develop resilience based class interaction in the college curriculum.


Sudha Rathore (Department of Psychology, The IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan )