Life of a women in A Married Woman by Manju Kapur
Ajay Kumar (Department of English, Govt. College, Barwala, Hisar, Haryana)
Indian writing in English is a relatively-recent phenomena, as far as literature goes. Though one can trace such writers in India to a century back, Indian writing in English has come into force only in the last couple of decades or so. Some of these writers have achieved worldwide fame, some national, and others perhaps have to be content with a more constricted circle. The very definition of the adjective Indian here is hazy. Many of these writers neither live in India, nor are Indian citizens. To get around this haziness, I will cast my net as wide as possible and include all those writers who are related to India be it by origin, or the subject of their writingswhether they admit it or not, whether they like it or not!
Ajay Kumar (Department of English, Govt. College, Barwala, Hisar, Haryana)