Knowledge of direct seeded rice method among farmers of Haryana

Pages: 861-864
Subhash Chander, Rashmi Tyagi, Jatesh Kathpalia, and Vinod Kumari (Department of Sociology, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana )

The Indian agriculture has changed during the past about 50 years mainly due to development of agricultural technologies. Rice is grown in 18 districts of Haryana. Out of which seven districts are in high productivity group. The study was conducted in Kurukshetra district of Haryana state. From this district, two blocks namely Thanesar and Pehowa were selected randomly. On the whole a total of 200 rice growing farmers were selected, who were using direct seeded rice method (100) and conventional transplanted rice method (100). The findings regarding knowledge level of respondents about various aspects of direct seeded rice method were studied like recommended seed rate, varieties, fertilizer practices, weeds, insect, pest, disease etc. It was found that sixty per cent respondents had high level of knowledge regarding direct seeded rice method. Awareness were found among farmers regarding direct seeded rice method such as increase the yield than conventional, seed is placed in the most fertile zone of the soil i.e. 2-3cm from surface and recommended variety is used for sowing: Tarawari, CSR-30, Pusa Basmati 1121 to which they reported 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks order.


Pages: 861-864
Subhash Chander, Rashmi Tyagi, Jatesh Kathpalia, and Vinod Kumari (Department of Sociology, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana )