Knowledge and attitude of farmers about photovoltaic water pumping system in Jhajjar district of Haryana state

Pages: 486-492
Anil Kumar, Ashok Kumar Godara, Ashok Kumar, and Jitender Kumar Bhatia (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana )

The study was conducted in purposively selected Jhajjar districts of Haryana state (India) with selected 33 number of Photovoltaic Water Pumping System (PWPS) adopted farmers from this district, and an equal number of non beneficiaries adjoining to the beneficiaries’ farm were also selected. In this way a total number of 66 respondents i.e. 33 beneficiaries and 33 non-beneficiaries were included in the sample for the study. A significant majority of respondents two third (60.6 %) had medium level of technical knowledge, general knowledge (57.58 %) and overall knowledge (54.54 %) by the adopted respondents. In case of non adopted respondents, had low level of technical knowledge (78.78 %), general knowledge (66.67 %) and three-fourth of farmers (69.69 %) overall knowledge. Majority of respondents 57.57% and 51.51% had favourable attitude in case of adopted and non-adopted, respectively. Land holding, education, socio-economic status, extension contact, source of income, risk orientation and change proneness were found to have positive and significant correlation ship. However, in case of non adopted farmers’ socio-economic status and risk orientation were found to have positive and significant correlation ship. The regression coefficient of adopted farmers’ Land holding, education, socio-economic status, extension contact, source of income, risk orientation were found to have positive and significant regression coefficient. However, in case of non adopted farmers, In case of non adopted farmers, socio- economic status and extension contact had positive and significant regression coefficient with the farmers’ knowledge level.


Pages: 486-492
Anil Kumar, Ashok Kumar Godara, Ashok Kumar, and Jitender Kumar Bhatia (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana )