
Knowledge and Adoption of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture among Farmers of Haryana

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Pages: 99-103
Baskaur, Rashmi Tyagi, Vinod Kumari, and Satpal Singh Baloda (CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)

The Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture is a centrally sponsored scheme. The main goal of this programme is to maximise the horticulture sector’s potential, which includes fruits, vegetables, root and tuber crops, mushrooms, spices, flowers, fragrant plants, coconut, cashew, and cocoa. The present study was conducted in Fatehabad and Hisar districts of Haryana state. On the whole, 160 respondents were interviewed with the help of well-structured interview schedule. An attempt has been made to study the level of knowledge and adoption of MIDH among farmers and it was found that more than fifty percent of the respondents (56.8%) belonged to 36-50 years age group and had more than 6 lakh annual family income. Maximum number of the respondents (50.6%) had high level of mass- media exposure. The majority (78.1%) of the respondent had full knowledge about the pattern for planting fruit crops. Regarding the adoption of horticultural crops and production technology cent percent (100%) of the respondents had no adoption of crop scouting technology in horticultural crops. Ninety percent agreed that degraded land could be better utilized in horticultural crops. Regarding level of knowledge 70.6 percent of the respondents had high knowledge related to horticultural crops.


Pages: 99-103
Baskaur, Rashmi Tyagi, Vinod Kumari, and Satpal Singh Baloda (CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)