Job attitudes: A comparative study between managers of private and public undertakings
Pages: 93-97
Amjad Ali (Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha)
Abu Sufiyan Zilli (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP)
Job Attitudes can be defined as summary evaluations of psychological objects in the work domain. The object could be almost anything in the world around us. Attitudes reflect a person’s likes and dislikes toward other persons, objects, events and activities in their environment. Therefore, it makes sense to study and know about attitude because strong attitudes will very likely affect a person’s behaviour such as attitudes toward supervision, pay, benefits, promotion or anything that might trigger positive or negative reactions. The present study is aimed to examine differences between managers of private and public undertakings on job attitudes. The study was carried out in different private and public organizations located in Delhi. Data were collected from 300 managers (150 managers from private and 150 from public undertakings). The job attitude scale developed by Srivastava (1999) which assesses numerous dimensions of employees’ job attitudes was used. Analysis of the data was done using t-test. Results revealed significant difference between managers of private and public undertakings on job attitudes. The findings imply that the organizations in both the sectors need to understand and manage managers’ job attitudes and provide them with suitable interpersonal atmosphere to strengthen their positive job attitudes so that their level of performance in the organization could be enhanced. Results are explained in the light of present scenario in existing private and public undertakings.
Pages: 93-97
Amjad Ali (Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha)
Abu Sufiyan Zilli (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP)