Is creativity related to intelligence?
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Page: 353-357
Suruchi Ahlawat and Sarvdeep Kohli (Department of Psychology, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana)
Is there a relationship between creativity and intelligence? It is a long-standing and mostly unresolved question, which researchers keep asking time and again. Some research has displayed that they are independent of each other, whereas others have displayed relationship among these variables. There is a requirement of quantitative research for a better understanding of creativity and intelligence relationship to make sense of these contrary pieces of evidence. The present study investigates the relationship between creativity and intelligence. For this purpose, a sample of 120 subjects (60 males & 60 female) were selected from the age of 12 to 14 years from grade 7th, 8th, and 9th. For evaluating creativity ‘Non-verbal test of creative thinking by Mehdi was used, and intelligence was measured by the Culture Fair Test by Cattell and Cattell. The results revealed a positive correlation between creativity and intelligence. The study also tried to find out gender differences in creativity. The results revealed that there are no gender differences in creativity.
Page: 353-357
Suruchi Ahlawat and Sarvdeep Kohli (Department of Psychology, M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana)