Influence of socio-economic status and parenting style on academic accomplishment and adjustment among college students
Pages: 1019-1021
Sunil Smrithi and Margreat Jeffrin (Department of Psychology, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore)
A study was done to assess the relationship between Socio-economic Status and Parenting Style on Academic Accomplishment and Adjustment, among college students of the age group 18-22, currently pursuing under-graduation. The sample was collected in colleges in and around Coimbatore, by the method of purposive sampling, so as to fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was analyzed by performing Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation and interpreted. The results show lack of correlation between Socio-economic Status and Academic Accomplishment as well as Adjustment. There is a correlation between Parenting Style of mother and Adjustment as well as Academic Accomplishment, whereas the Parenting Style of the father is correlated only with Adjustment. The results can be applied in areas of policy making, modifying parenting behavior, understanding the perception of adolescents, etc.
Pages: 1019-1021
Sunil Smrithi and Margreat Jeffrin (Department of Psychology, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore)