Influence of laughter yoga on wellbeing and affect
Pages: 1665-1668
Plabita Patowary (Department of Psychology, Jain University, Bangalore, Karnatak)
The present study attempts to examine the significant influence of laughter yoga on psychological wellbeing, physical wellbeing and affect of the individuals. The sample consisted of 35 individuals aged 40-60 years. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample. The tools used in this study are Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing Test and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. B.P and glucose level was also checked. Tests were administered and recorded before and after the intervention. 4 weekly sessions of laughter yoga was used as an intervention. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used where scores of pre and post-test were compared with the help of paired sample t test. Results indicate that the subjects’ scores are improved in all the six subscales of psychological wellbeing and positive affect is increased whereas negative affect decreased. Subjects also show marginal improvement in B.P and glucose level. Thus, laughter yoga can be used as a healing tool which has significant influence on both physical and psychological wellbeing of individuals and can also help in leading a prosperous life.
Pages: 1665-1668
Plabita Patowary (Department of Psychology, Jain University, Bangalore, Karnatak)