Indian railways: Emerging trends in passengers services
Pages: 550-557
Anu Verma Puri (Department of Public Administration, DAV College, Chandigarh)
S. K. Verma (Law School, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)
The contribution of Indian Railways to strengthen National Integration is unprecedented. It is the third largest railway network in the world. It provides connectivity to all the states of the country including urban, sub-urban, hilly, remote areas. It not only links the different regions within the country but also connects India with neighboring countries also such Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh etc. IR is one of the most suitable and economical modes of transportation. It touches the life of the citizens directly or indirectly in one way or the other. A large population of the country is dependent on IR. But the past experiences reflect poor delivery of passenger services resulting in dissatisfaction among the passengers. This adversely affects the relation between the users and the providers of IR.
Pages: 550-557
Anu Verma Puri (Department of Public Administration, DAV College, Chandigarh)
S. K. Verma (Law School, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)