
Indian Literary Scene: Widening the Gyre

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Sudhir Kumar (Department of English, Govt. College, Birohar, Jhajjar, Haryana)

Looking back at the three stages of development of Indian writing in English, one can be of the opinion that the literary gyre started rolling with poets and a few writers like Michael Madhusadan Dutta and the other members of the Dutta family; Toru Dutta and Charu Dutta, Sri Aurbindo, Sarojini Naidu, Rabindranath Tagore, etc. made its strong mark in the post-Independence era and now widened the gyre in all its respects in the present situation. However, it’s a well agreed fact that literary genius flourish more having conducive literary atmosphere. It is exclusively done through literary associations and movements. Unfortunately such movements and associations are yet to be fully blossomed in Indian writing in English. Alongside, apathy on the part of publishers also affected a lot the development of Indian writing in English. This has been the major difference between English and Indian writing in English. The conducive atmosphere ‘English’ writers got was absent in terms of Indian writers in English.


Sudhir Kumar (Department of English, Govt. College, Birohar, Jhajjar, Haryana)