Inculcating Moral Values in Children by Giving Mythological Examples
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Pooja Makkar (Department of English, JJT University, Rajasthan)
Gone are the days when children used to give due respect to their elders and teachers. During ancient times, gurus were considered next to God and it was rightly said: Guru Gobind thou khade kake lago paayen Balihari Guru aapne jinhe Gobind diyo milayen Which means: both the guru and the God are standing together, whom to bow first, guru is considered the superior as he is the one who leads to God. But with the changing trends, there is a change in the behavior of the children. They have become more aggressive, impatient and manipulative. Traits like honesty, mercy, pity, etc. are long lost. It is commonly seen that they fight at petty issues like; complaining to the teachers, not giving assignment for H.W, not allowing them to cheat in the papers etc. Aping western culture has a great influence on their mind and now they no longer prefer the old traditions prevalent in India. No doubt, they are continuously being taught, to behave properly in and outside the class but disputes among them have become a common sight .They don’t even feel any hesitation using abusive words among themselves. Sharing and helping others have just become a common line good to be read in the books, but their practice is a farfetched cry. What is the reason that children have lost their values? Where is the gap? If someone tries to reason them, they just ignore or start giving arguments saying that it’s the generation gap. But is it really so?? Of course Not! There is something wrong in the system which requires due consideration. Today, everyone is concerned about getting 95% & 98% but no one cares to improve themselves as a human being. Who is to be blamed; parents, students or teachers? This questions needs to be mused deeply in everyone’s conscience. Children are excelling themselves in every field but they are not provided with moral lessons which would also empower them spiritually. A 2year old child can use the smart phone properly, they are ahead in technology. As they grow they can compare sizes, prices and do what earlier the children of their age group were not able to do. There is no question about their intelligence but on this journey of self- discovery, aren’t we leaving some traits which are essential for being a good human being? What’s the necessity of our child? Can we call them happy, funny, confident and loved in the true sense? If not, why? If yes, then to what extent?
Pooja Makkar (Department of English, JJT University, Rajasthan)