Inclusive education: A renaissance with umpteen benefits to all

Pages: 122-128
Lucky Singh (Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh)

Over the last many decades, there is no topic that causes more controversy in special education among teachers, administrators and parents than inclusion and it may be debated for years to come due to the disagreements among educators and parents. The three basic models, segregated, integrated and inclusive special education have been differentiated by many agencies and most of agencies are in favor of inclusive special education as the most beneficial type of education for people of all ability levels as governmental agencies realized that segregation of children with challenging needs is morally unjustifiable and a violation of human rights. Government of India always leaned to inclusion and has attempted to create policies that are inclusive for people with disabilities, their implementation efforts have not resulted in an inclusive system of education, nor have they reached their goal of “education for all” across the country. Disabled children have equal right to get education as per their needs and capability. We shouldn’t be striving to educate children in the least restrictive environment but rather in the most inclusive one. The universal purpose of any policies related to education is to ensure that all students gain access to education by which their information processing ability, knowledge and skills got enhanced and finally, will prepare themselves to contribute to communities and workplaces. A large body of research has identified effective instructional options for inclusive classrooms, including the use of specific educational contexts (e.g., grouping strategies), techniques, curricula, and assessment methods. Use of these strategies appears to facilitate the academic and social success of students both with and without disabilities. All students gain benefits when education is sensitive and responsive to their individual differences. Inclusive education is one of the most effective way in which we can promote a unified, incorporated, consolidated and tolerant society. Inclusive education has a range of benefits and many recipients of those benefits for example: children with and without disabilities, communities, families of children with and without disabilities and adult leaders and teachers and finally contribute to establish harmony within nation and then to world.


Pages: 122-128
Lucky Singh (Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh)