Importance of thriving at organization
Pages: 1355-1356
Pravakar Duari (Department of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry)
The world of yesterday is not the world today. Twenty years ago businesses, organizations, and university systems employees expected continuity, stability, and longevity in their jobs. Today, that is not the case. Change occurs daily in our work and community. We are required to adjust, learn, and move forward as individuals and organizations. Or, we move out of the organization. Organizations are looking within themselves for the initiative to move with the technology of the 21st century. Thriving is a positive organizational behaviour concept. It includes the joint experience of vitality and learning at work. Vitality denotes the sense that one is energized and feels alive at work. Learning is growing through new knowledge and skills. Thriving lens sheds light on how individuals play a role in creating the contextual conditions for their own growth, thus making the thriving process a joint product of the context and an individual acting to architect their own work context. Thriving is defined as the psychological state in which individuals experience both sense of vitality and learning. Spreitzer et al. (2005) suggested that thriving matters because it enhances the health and personal development of employees. Thriving individual learn to navigate protean careers (Hall, 1998) and to sustain their performance, health, and well-being over time (Pfeiffer, 2010).
Pages: 1355-1356
Pravakar Duari (Department of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry)