Impact of yoga on subjective well being and stress: A pre and post analysis

Nirmala Singh Rathore (Research Scholar, Department of Psychology University of Rajasthan, Jaipur)
Mahesh Kumar Choudhary (Department of Mechanical Engineering Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)

Man being a social animal needs to participate in social life for which he needs a role and the role implies physical energy, the source of which is a healthy body. Health can be viewed as a state where a reserve of positive emotions, strengths and experiences are build up in order to enable the individual to deal with adverse situations sufferings and illness. Healthy mind is required to govern and appreciate ones social action, to maintain mental peace and self-confidence. Health and well-being are important factors as it affects almost every single aspect of life and determines what activities or tasks one emerges in or not, and the likelihood of which tasks or activities one is able to complete successfully. In this contemporary world people are facing and increasing number of chronic psychological and other stressors that impinge on their overall health, well-being and quality of life. To avoid most of the stresses one must try to attain peace of mind and body, which may be possible with the help of yoga exercises. The present research makes an attempt to ascertain the impact of yoga on the subjective well being and stress. The sample of 30 males and 30 females were selected purposefully. The present research takes into consideration the two psychological tests perceived stress scale and Subjective Well-being Scale. The positive impact of yoga exercises has been found on the variables subjective well-being and stress.


Nirmala Singh Rathore (Research Scholar, Department of Psychology University of Rajasthan, Jaipur)
Mahesh Kumar Choudhary (Department of Mechanical Engineering Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)