Impact of nature on internal aspiration and positive affect
Pages: 1083-1087
Vandana Kant and Shiva Sharma (Department of Psychology, IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan)
Nature plays a very important role in our lives. Nature gives positive emotions and it releases us from our stressful daily life so it is an important determinant of positive affect, internal aspiration and external aspiration. In today’s world as urbanisation is increasing people are losing contact with their natural surroundings so in the present study an attempt was made to study the impact of nature on aspiration and positive affect. The sample of the current study comprised 60 girls pursuing graduation and post -graduation. In this study connectedness to nature scale (CNS) was used to select subjects for the experiment then they were randomly assigned into three groups’ i.e. experimental group I, experimental group II and control group and were shown nature slides, urban slides and abstract slides respectively then their pre and post scores were evaluated to determine the impact of nature. Positive affect and negative affect schedule (PANAS) was used to measure positive affect and Aspiration Index was used to assess their level of aspiration. Significant differences were found on internal aspiration and positive affect between subjects who were exposed to nature slides and control group. Exposure to nature slides significantly increased internal aspiration and positive affect of subjects. The study implies that nature has a positive effect on us in manifold ways as it increases our aspirations to connect with others and build up relationships.
Pages: 1083-1087
Vandana Kant and Shiva Sharma (Department of Psychology, IIS University, Jaipur, Rajasthan)