Impact of home environment on creative abilities of adolescents
Priyanka Beniwal and C.K. Singh (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, COHS, CCSHAU Hisar, Haryana)
One of the roles of education is to awaken and develop the powers of creativity. Instead, what we have is a culture of standardization. Creative children are assets to the society. Development and progress in various fields depends on the creativity. Home environment refers to all sorts of moral and ethical values and emotional, social and intellectual climate set up by the family members to contribute to the wholesome development of an individual. The study examines the influence of home environment on creativity of adolescents. The study was conducted in Rural area of Rewari and Hisar districts of Haryana state on 240 adolescents comprising 120 from Rewari and 120 from Hisar district. The sample represented equal number of boys and girls ranging in 14-16 years of age group. Creativity level was assessed by using divergent production abilities test by Sharma For assessment of home environment; the Home Environment Inventory (HEI) by Mishra (1989) was used. The study unveils that home environment was significantly associated with creativity of adolescents concluding that home environment of the adolescents highly influence their creativity level. Better was the home environment better was the creativity of the adolescents.
Priyanka Beniwal and C.K. Singh (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, COHS, CCSHAU Hisar, Haryana)