Impact of goods and services tax on business
Pages: 312-314
Kanika Garg, Manvi Chawla, Charu Chawla, and Shubham Taneja (Department of Management studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering &Technology, Samalkha, Haryana)
The purpose of the study is to understand the impact of GST on the business firms. GST shall replace a number of taxes and to remove the cascading effect. To understand the process of proposed GST. The objective of the study is to compare the existing tax system with the proposed GST and the impact of various stakeholders like traders, employees, service provider and to ascertain the positive and negative impact of GST. In order to attain the objective 100 respondents are selected out of which 78 respondents are fill the questionnaire and are chosen for further study in the research. Most of the respondents are dissatisfied with this parameter and 20 respondents out of are neutral towards GST and be more prudence and selective in their purchasing behavior. Arafat , pail and ibranim, and ramastse also found that the custom are more prudence and selective behavior.
Pages: 312-314
Kanika Garg, Manvi Chawla, Charu Chawla, and Shubham Taneja (Department of Management studies, Panipat Institute of Engineering &Technology, Samalkha, Haryana)