Identifying the markers of affective dissonance among adolescents: A grounded theory approach
Pages: 427-433
Pramod Kumar (DRDO Scientist, Selection Centre East, Allahabad, Utter Pradesh)
This study aims to identify the markers concerning adolescents’ experience of affective dissonance grounded in data derived from a purposive sample of 40 adolescents of age 14-18 years. The self-written narratives and transcribed interviews of the participants were analysed. Thematic analysis was used for inductive generation of themes and subthemes which emerged from the reading and rereading of text segments. Following the procedure of open coding, focused coding, axial coding and selective theoretical coding; five core categories emerged as Self, Family, Peer Group, School and Society around which other categories were organized. Interest-Ability-Expectation Dissonance, Identity Vs Role Confusion and Trust Vs Mistrust were three more common factors which influenced almost each core category. It laid the groundwork for developing a measure for affective dissonance.
Pages: 427-433
Pramod Kumar (DRDO Scientist, Selection Centre East, Allahabad, Utter Pradesh)