Humour based intervention program (HBIP): A pilot study

Malamelputhenpurayil Mini John and Joy Tungol (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)

Depression is a common problem among older adults. It affects primarily those with medical illnesses in old age. Depression not only makes a person feel physically ill, but also deteriorates psychological wellness and upsurges mortality. Elderly depression averts a person from enjoying things he or she used to find pleasure in and affects his/her memory and concentration. The depressive condition of the person leads to neurological imbalances and obstructs normal functioning of the human brain and the nervous system. Hence, this research sought to assist the elderly to alleviate depression and enhance happiness through ‘Humor Based Intervention Program’ that is developed by the researchers and to pilot test its practicability and usability in the clinical practice. Making use of a ‘Mixed-methods’ research design for the development of the program. Geriatric Depression Scale and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) were administrated to measure the level of depression and happiness among the older adults. In order to have a better understanding of the current scenario and prevalence of depression among the older adults, the researchers carried out need-assessment survey, semi-structured interviews and focused-group discussions. Basing on these, researchers developed a twelve-modular intervention program, Humor Based Intervention Program (HBIP), incorporating the Humor Theory and PERMA model happiness theory. The program was subjected to expert validation by seven inter-disciplinary experts and pilot tested with ten older adults. The intervention was positively received by the participants and the results of the pilot test showed a decreased level of depression and increased level of happiness.


Malamelputhenpurayil Mini John and Joy Tungol (The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines)