
Human rights awareness among undergraduate students in relation to their stream of study and rural-urban inhabitation

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Pages: 1968-1972
Afzalur Rahman (Department of Education, Nowgong College, Nagaon, Assam)

The present study has been designed to investigate human rights awareness of undergraduate students involving a comparison between students of Arts and Science Stream as well as between students residing in rural and urban areas. Since the study involves group comparison, a total of 100 undergraduate students have been selected through adopting stratified random sampling method from two selected degree colleges of Nagaon of which 25 each for all the four sub group, viz., Rural-Arts group, Rural-Science Group, Urban-Arts group and Urban-Science group. The data have been collected through employing self-structured Human Rights Awareness Inventory prepared as per the standard procedures available in literature. Collected data, which are of quantitative in nature, are then analysed through using statistical techniques like percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation,’t’ test and Tukey’s POST HOC Test . The findings of the study revealed that stream of study as well as rural-urban inhabitation has significant impact on human rights awareness of undergraduate students.


Pages: 1968-1972
Afzalur Rahman (Department of Education, Nowgong College, Nagaon, Assam)