
Health Benefits of Vipassana Meditation: A Comprehensive Review

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Page: 55-58

Parveen Kumar and Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana)


Page: 55-58

Parveen Kumar and Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana)

Vipassana meditation, an ancient mindfulness practice rooted in the Buddhist tradition, has gained widespread recognition for its profound impact on mental and physical health. This review aims to understand the impact of positive health benefits of vipassana meditation. Studies indicate that regular practice of vipassana can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, enhance emotional regulation, and improve overall psychological well-being. Moreover, it has been associated with improved attention, concentration, and cognitive function. Vipassana improves interpersonal connections on a physical, mental, and social level as well as organizational development and inventiveness (Fung Kei, 2016). Vipassana showed potential in reducing blood pressure, enhancing cardiovascular health, and boosting the immune system on the physical front. Vipassana meditation is a holistic approach to enhancing both mental and physical health, promoting overall wellness and a balanced lifestyle. Positive attachment, better interpersonal relationships, a reduction in negativity, and control over anger and fear are all possible by meditation (Shah, 2012). In conclusion, there are many compelling health benefits associated with Vipassana meditation, which provides practitioners with a comprehensive approach to well-being that takes into account both mental and physical health. Vipassana meditation has been demonstrated to lower stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms while enhancing general mood and emotional control through its emphasis on mindfulness and self-awareness.