
Geriatric psychology: The source of inspiration for old age

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Pages: 387-391
Kanika Jain and Shivani Khatri (CM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh)

Empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of grief and loneliness that parents may feel when their children leave home to live on their own for the first time. It is seen when children grow into young adulthood and are sent off into the world. The household physically shrinks from several to two: – husband and wife, or one in case of a single parent. A complete description of the syndrome goes beyond just missing one’s children. Although there is no clinical diagnosis for this syndrome, researches in western countries have shown that the number of parents going through such a condition is quite high. Empty nest syndrome can lead to feelings of depression and spur marital conflicts. It may also make individuals more prone to alcoholism and identity crisis. Other symptoms include profound despair, loss of self esteem, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and sexual desire, inability to deal with daily affairs, and the inability to relate to anything in a positive manner. Coping with it requires self-initiative that includes being positive about children leaving home, joining hobby groups or professional associations, discussing feelings and problems with loved ones, doing things you have always wanted to do and staying happy. Cognitive behavioral therapy and counseling helps relieve related depression. While the time when children leave home can be a hard time for parents, another school of thought believes that it is a period of relaxation, enjoyment, new freedom, a time for improving the relationships with each other and learning new activities of interest. Not much research has been done on empty nest syndrome. However, it generates a lot of interest. The present paper discusses empty nest syndrome in detail.


Pages: 387-391
Kanika Jain and Shivani Khatri (CM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh)