Gender discrimination in the selected novels of Kamala Markandaya
Kailash Saini1 and Shammi Nagpal2 (Dravidian University Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh1 Department of English, Dayanand College, Hisar2)
A woman is a companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacities. She has the right to participate in every minutest detail in the activities of man, and she has an equal right to freedom and liberty with him. – Mahatma Gandhi Woman have been subjugated since ages. They have been treated like commodities. From the very beginning of this universe, women have been discriminated simply because they were women. It was expected that they should remain docile in this patriarchal set up. The plight of women has been portrayed by various writers in different era. The French Philosopher Simon de Beauvoir in her book “The Second Sex” says:
Kailash Saini1 and Shammi Nagpal2 (Dravidian University Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh1 Department of English, Dayanand College, Hisar2)