Gender differences in cognitive styles of students in references to their career preferences

Pages: 584-587
Seema Jakhar (Department of Education, Monad University, UP)
Nirmala Devi (C R College of Education, Hisar, Haryana)

The present paper examines gender differences in career preference of school level. The sample was comprised of 400 students (200 boys and 200 girls) in the age range of 13-17 years studying at school level. Vocational Preference Inventory (Shailja & Gaurava) and Kirton’s Adaption Innovative Cognitive Styles Scale (Verma) was used to assess the career preference choices in relation to cognitive styles of students. T-test was used for gender differences in career preference. The results are discussed with previous empirical researches, and practical implications.


Pages: 584-587
Seema Jakhar (Department of Education, Monad University, UP)
Nirmala Devi (C R College of Education, Hisar, Haryana)