Functional clothing for farm workers
Pages: 24-27
Priya Makkar, Saorj S. Jeet Singh, N. Pruthi, and N.M. Rose (Department of Clothing and Textiles, College of Home Science CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)
Farm workers need a lot of attention regarding their clothing as application of pesticides has steadily increased. Wearing the proper clothes at work can help to prevent some injuries to the body. Various farm jobs require different types of clothing. These should not only protect the body, increase safety and health but also should improve workers job efficiency and allow the wearer, maximum use of senses. The problems cannot be completely eradicated but can be solved up to some extent through specially designed ‘Functional Clothing’ that may prove to be a boon for the farmers. Here an effort has been made to design and construct functional clothing for farm workers.
Pages: 24-27
Priya Makkar, Saorj S. Jeet Singh, N. Pruthi, and N.M. Rose (Department of Clothing and Textiles, College of Home Science CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana)