Exploring the content and theme of Abdollah Parchami`s poems
M. K. Mahmoudi (Department of Persian language and literature, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)
Abdollah Parchami was born in Istahban on April 7th, 1942 .Although his father, Haj Mohamamd Hossein Parchami, was illiterate, he had memorized a considerable number of blessings and most Hafez poems and he used to say poems spontaneously. (Parchami, 2003:13) Abdollah had to quit elementary school in three periods due to climate changes such as drought, lack of rain, and locust invasion. After obtaining sixth -grade certificate , he started to make living as tailor and he was employed in former military force after finishing obligatory military service .Then he got married and had two children .Although his life condition was too hard with low salary , he seriously decided to continue his education and most of his commanders opposed him .Nevertheless he got his diploma .Despite many difficulties he made it to enter former military academy and graduated after passing difficult exams with military grade .(Same ,16)During serving as military man ,he confronted different types of events .He said 10 books of poetries concerning various subjects and fields .These books have not yet been published due lack of affordability .His poems were in the form of sonnet , elegiac poem, couplet , humor and jokes , advice , everyday subject ,and natural and emotional needs and his poets describe emotions in that he is always busy saying poems about everyday life subjects , his own life, and people`s lives .He is writing continuously and spontaneously and he is saying poems even during sleeping in that he normally forgets his poems after waking up ,or he does not have time to write .It seems that he is made up of poems and his dream is to have them published (same, 18)
M. K. Mahmoudi (Department of Persian language and literature, Arsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan, Iran)