Employment policy in Kashmir with reference to International Labour Organisation (ILO) guidelines for gender
Pages: 905-911
Amira Wali and Shazia Manzoor (Department of Social Work, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir)
The unemployment rate in Jammu & Kashmir is higher than the national average and also happens to be highest in North India. Moreover, amongst the gender category wise unemployment rates, there is a sizeable wide margin, female unemployment being on the far upper end (NSSO, 68th Round). This, coupled with the fact that Jammu & Kashmir is a conflict affected state. It thus, becomes imperative to engage the economically active populations of the state in meaningful livelihood pursuits. This paper is an analytical review of the Sher-e-Kashmir Employment and Welfare Programme for the Youth (SKEWPY) from a gender perspective using the prescribed International Labour Organisation (ILO) framework. A critical analysis of the policy and associated schemes seeks to establish a disconnect between the policy framework and gender concerns. If gender considerations remain dissociated from employment policy, the unemployment problem will continue to be one of the gravest maladies hindering the development of Kashmir.
Pages: 905-911
Amira Wali and Shazia Manzoor (Department of Social Work, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir)