Employee’s work stress: Review and presenting a comprehensive model
Pages: 919-923
R. S. Lal and A. P. Singh (Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)
Generally, human life is not going on a straight way. It runs on a zig-zag line. If a person feels good today, it is not necessary to be happy tomorrow also. In searching of better solutions, facing these small and big problems, and making adjustment with current situations and environment, a person feels stress more or less. People often have too many demands placed on their time, are worried about uncertain futures and have little time for family and fun. Stress affects us at home, work, and even on holidays. It is also listened often that everyone should learn to “deal” or “cope” with stress in our life. Although a lot of stress models described illustrate how many different viewpoints there are of work stress, and show how complex these processes may be, a more comprehensive model of work stress has been suggested in this paper. This model gives an overview of how changes in the nature of many work environments have led to increase in workplace stress, and how it may be implicated in many stress-related physical and psychological problems. Many existing models suffer from being either narrow in scope or lacking a role for individual differences, and lacking in predictive validity. This model adds a new dimension to think again about the workplace stress which has now become a common phenomenon among the employees. Every organism faces challenges from its external environment and from its personal needs. The organism must solve these problems to survive and thrive. In such a complex and competitive job environment, to find proper solutions or skills to cope with workplace stress, an employee would first need to understand the nature and whole process of workplace stress and this model would be more helpful to understand the work stress, its nature and whole process including an important role of individual capacity which exists in every stage, so that the better psychological therapies and medicinal treatments may be discovered in future to help such several employees to improve their health in the interest of the concerned organizations because employees are considered as backbone of any organization for development.
Pages: 919-923
R. S. Lal and A. P. Singh (Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh)