
Employee Satisfaction: The Case of Academic and Administrative Staff of a State College in the Philippines

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Page: 01-08

Lilybeth M. Matunhay and Kimberly L. Pailago (Administrative and Finance Division, Davao de Oro State College, Davao de Oro, Philippines)


Page: 01-08

Lilybeth M. Matunhay and Kimberly L. Pailago (Administrative and Finance Division, Davao de Oro State College, Davao de Oro, Philippines)

Employee success within roles is attainable when employees boost workplace productivity through complementation with colleagues in different organizational positions. This is made possible by showing support to the diverse tasks and responsibilities undertaken by colleagues. Hence, this study is being mapped out to evaluate the working conditions for all employees of Davao de Oro State College on various workplace themes including “Campus Culture and Policies”, “Institutional Goals”, “Involvement in Planning and Decision-making”, “work environment”, and their “overall satisfaction” that offers employees an opportunity to express their opinions and raise concerns both the overall work environment and the College as an institution. The study employs assessments created and administered by Ruffalo Noel-Levitz (Noel-Levitz, 2014) tailored to evaluate the campus environment for all college employees, encompassing faculty, staff, and administration. These assessments cover a range of workplace themes and aim to determine the satisfaction levels of both groups. The result reveals (mean, 4.865) that faculty and staff are generally satisfied with their employment with DDOSC in the following areas: “Campus Culture and Policies”; “Institutional Goals”; “Involvement in Planning and Decision-Making”; and “Work Environment