Emotional intelligence as a predictor of adjustment among adolescents
Pages: 423-426
Zahoor Ahmad Lone, Shaha Alam, and Omar Habib Dar (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh)
The present study aimed to ascertain the relationship between emotional intelligence and adjustment among adolescents. The study involved 150 adolescents (boys=73, girls=77, mean age 17 years). The adjustment scale and emotional intelligence scale were used to collect data. The results indicate that significant positive correlations were obtained between adjustment and an all the dimensions of emotional intelligence, Social awareness, managing emotions, motivating self, empathy and handling relationships. Among all these five dimensions strongest positive correlation coefficient was found between adjustment and handling relationships , a facet of emotional intelligence, and stronger positive in case of managing emotions another facet of emotional intelligence and a good positive correlation coefficient between adjustment and social awareness. Regression analysis revealed that social awareness, empathy and handling relationships and total emotional intelligence significantly predicted adjustment among adolescents. Thus results indicate that emotional intelligence is important factor in predicting adjustment of adolescents.
Pages: 423-426
Zahoor Ahmad Lone, Shaha Alam, and Omar Habib Dar (Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh)