Emotional correlates of quality of work life: A study on call centre employees
Pages: 940-942
Shilpa Kamboj, Ramnath and Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana)
Work is necessary for every human being as it is carried two types of values in human life that is intrinsic value and extrinsic value. We perform lots of activities throughout life. Working conditions have the potential to influence human life to a significant extent. These conditions include income, basic human need, self-esteem, emotional competence and feeling of self-confidence. Emotional intelligence has been known as relevant factor which is related with quality of working life. The purpose of the present study is to explore the relationship between emotional competence and quality of work life of call center employees. The present study was carried out on a sample of 150 employees and they were recruited from 4 call centers from different cities of Haryana. The subjects were selected on the basis of stratified random sampling. The major instruments used in the present study were quality of work life scale given by Donald and Emotional Competency Scale propounded by Harish Sharma and Dr. Rajeev Locha. The findings of the study indicate that there is positive correlation between emotional competence and different aspects of quality of life.
Pages: 940-942
Shilpa Kamboj, Ramnath and Sandeep Singh (Department of Applied psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana)