Emotional competence and behavioural deviance in relation to anxiety among adolescents
Renuka Joshi and Kanchan Yadav (Department of Psychology, D.A.V. (PG) College, Dehradun, Uttaranchal)
The present study was undertaken to investigate the Emotional competence and behavioural deviance of adolescents in relation to anxiety. Total sample consisist of 100 school going boys and girls of Dehradun city, in the age range of 13-18 years. The 2×2 factorial design was used where two levels of anxiety was matched with two levels of sex. Stratified random sampling was used for sample selection. Anxiety scale developed by Sinha (1955) was used to assess the anxiety levels of the subjects. Emotional competence scale developed by Sharma and Bhardwaj (1995-2007) was used to measure the emotional competence and Behavioural deviance scale developed by Chauhan and Saroj Aurora (1989) was used to measure the Behavioural deviance of the subjects. Results suggested that high and low anxiety group differ significantly on adequate depth of feeling, adequate expression and control of emotions, and enhancement of positive emotions. The high and low anxiety subjects also showed significant difference on withdrawing deviance and rebellion deviance, the two dimensions of behavioural deviance. Significant gender difference was also found on adequate depth of feeling, enhancement of positive emotions, total behavioural deviance, withdrawing deviance, and rebellion deviance.
Renuka Joshi and Kanchan Yadav (Department of Psychology, D.A.V. (PG) College, Dehradun, Uttaranchal)