Emotional competence among Maharshi Dayanand University employees
Pages: 977-980
Lisha and Madhu Anand (Department of Psychology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana)
Emotional competence is the tendency to display emotions in a situationally and culturally appropriate manner. The present study explored emotional competence among Maharshi Dayanand University employees. A sample size of 200 university employees was selected with the age range of 21-40 and 41-60 respectively. Out of which 100 were male and 100 female employees. For the present study random sampling method was used. Scale of Emotional Competencies developed by Sharma and Bhardwaj was adapted to measure emotional competence. Findings of the study reveal that there is a significant difference between the emotional competence of male and female employees. Males can make effective judgment, express their emotions, feeling, moods better, cope with their problem better in comparison to females. But no significant difference was found on enhancement of positive emotions between male and female employees.
Pages: 977-980
Lisha and Madhu Anand (Department of Psychology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana)