Effects of dynamic meditation on anxiety
Pages: 909-912
Naved Iqbal, Archana Singh, Sheeema Aleem and Samina Bano (Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India)
Although traditional meditation has been found to be effective in improving physical and mental health of subjects, but there was a paucity of research of the effect of active or dynamic meditation on these variables. Therefore, the present study was aimed at studying the effect of dynamic meditation on anxiety of the subjects. Total sample of the present study comprised of 60 subjects, 30 each in experimental and control group. Subjects in the experimental group were given 21 days training in dynamic meditation. Anxiety of the experimental and control group subjects was measured in pre and post condition with the help of Sinha anxiety scale. Obtained data were analyzed with the help of analysis of covariance. In post condition, an experimental group scored better than the control group on total anxiety. An effect size of dynamic meditation on anxiety was moderate.
Pages: 909-912
Naved Iqbal, Archana Singh, Sheeema Aleem and Samina Bano (Department of Psychology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India)