Effects of birth order on adolescent personality

Pages: 400-402
Arti Kumari and Ritu Singh (Department of Human Development and Family Studies Collage of Home Science, G.B.P.U.A. & T., Pantnagar, Uttrakhand)

The present study was aimed to decide the effect the birth orders on adolescent’s personality among adolescents. The sample for the present study consisted of students is selected from the nearest Schools and colleges of Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. This is selected from all the four groups in every 40 respondents according to parent’s employment of G.B.P.U.A&T. Pantnagar University. For measurement of adolescent’s personality used Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Personality Scale by Vohra (1993). Analysis of data was done by using, mean and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study revealed that Respondent showed a high significant difference in all the domains of adolescent’s personality in the families except in maturity. The domains academic achievement, competition, creativity, enthusiasm, excitability, general ability, guilt proneness, individualism, innovation, maturity, mental health, morality, self-control, sensitivity, social sufficiency, social warmth and tension with birth order of class I and class II has high level of significant difference as compared to class III and class IV. Whereas, adaptability, boldness and leadership among the number of siblings of class III and class IV have a high level of significant difference with respect to birth order. It is recognized by the result that the level of adolescent personality have been affected by the birth order.


Pages: 400-402
Arti Kumari and Ritu Singh (Department of Human Development and Family Studies Collage of Home Science, G.B.P.U.A. & T., Pantnagar, Uttrakhand)