
Effectiveness of parents education on mental health status, self-esteem, and subjective well-being of college students

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Pages: 163-172
Maryam Farhang (Department of Psychology, Kerala University Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala)
H. Sam Sananda Raj (Department of Psychology, University of Kerala Kariavattom, Trivandrum, Kerala)

The present investigation was accomplished to evaluate the significant differences among college students based on their parents education for the variable mental health (and its subscales likewise, attitude toward the self, self- actualization, integration, autonomy, perception of reality, environmental mastery), self-esteem, and subjective well-being. The sample consisted of 750 college students, from Visakhapatnam city (India), selected through stratified sampling method. In order to collect data, the Mental Health status (M.H.S. Scale) by Gireesan and Sananda Raj (1988), Self-Esteem Inventory by Thomas and Sananda Raj, and Subjective Well-Being Inventory, by Suhany and Sananda Raj (2002) and personal information schedule, were used. The data were analyzed using One way ANOVA as well as Duncan test. The result indicated that there was significant difference among the college students categorized on the basis of their father’s and mother’s education for the variables mental health, self- actualization, integration, perception of reality, and environmental mastery. The result revealed that the college students whose; fathers and Mothers have Master and Ph.D. and Degree level of education had higher level of those variables than the Illiterates (Primary/Junior/High school), Diploma, and Degree level education. But for all the other comparisons, the college students have similar level of Mental Health based on their father’s education.


Pages: 163-172
Maryam Farhang (Department of Psychology, Kerala University Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala)
H. Sam Sananda Raj (Department of Psychology, University of Kerala Kariavattom, Trivandrum, Kerala)