Effect of integrated psychotherapy on happiness and locus of control among institutionalized adolescents
K.P. Ayisha Rahna, A. Velayudhan, and R. Nithya (Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)
Happiness is a choice. Valerie Bertineli, says there’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or not. Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. The way you see the world and attribute it matters a lot in how you conceive happiness. Julian Rotter, developed the concept of “locus of control”, the degree to which individuals believe they have the ability to control what happens to them (internal) or how much they think that forces beyond their control affect their situation external. The present study is conducted with an objective to evaluate the effect of Integrated Psychotherapy on Happiness and Locus of Control among Institutionalized adolescents. A total sample of 30 institutionalizes adolescents identified with the age range of 14 to 18 years, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria from Kannur district of Kerala. The tools used for the study are Oxford Happiness Questionnaire by Michael Argyle and Peter Hills and Internal- External Locus of Control Inventory by Venkatapathy. Paired t-test was conducted for finding statistical analysis and the results revealed that there is a significant change in the level of happiness as well as in dimensions of locus of control before and after intervention especially in the internality and Powerful others. Whereas the chance as a dimension of locus of control did not seem to change.
K.P. Ayisha Rahna, A. Velayudhan, and R. Nithya (Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu)