Effect of forgiveness on psychological well-being

Harmehak Singh and Urvi Sharma (Department of Psychology, G.G.D.S.D College, Chandigarh)

The present research intends to examine the relationship between the two constructs of positive psychology i.e. forgiveness and psychological well-being among females within age group of 18 to 21 years. A random sample of 50 female students is selected from colleges in Chandigarh. For this purpose, it is hypothesized that there exists a positive correlation between forgiveness and psychological well-being. In this study, Heartland Forgiveness Scale (Thompson & Synder, 2003) and Ryff’s Psychological Well-being scales (42 items) (1989) is used to measure forgiveness and well-being respectively. The relationships between them were examined using correlation analysis. The results revealed significant correlation ( r= 0.461, p≤0.01) between forgiveness and psychological well-being among females. It indicated that females high in forgiveness are more likely to show improved psychological well-being.


Harmehak Singh and Urvi Sharma (Department of Psychology, G.G.D.S.D College, Chandigarh)