Economic empowerment of the women: The need of the hour
Pages: 515-517
Neelam Rathee (Department of Psychology, P. G. Govt. College for Girls, Chandigarh)
The economic empowerment of women is being regarded these days as a sine qua non of progress for a country; hence the issue of economic empowerment of women is of paramount importance. In India, the work participation rate of women is less than half that of men. Despite efforts made towards economic empowerment of women, majority of the active female population continues to be confined to micro, small-scale enterprises and the informal sector. This paper discusses the ways to attain economic empowerment for the women and emphasizes on the need to bring attitudinal changes in the society. In the end the paper emphasizes that economic empowerment of the women will result into a chain of developmental process.
Pages: 515-517
Neelam Rathee (Department of Psychology, P. G. Govt. College for Girls, Chandigarh)