
Dyspraxia and its remedies: A case study

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Pages: 244-252
Shakti Desh (Child cum Rehabilitation Psychologist, Sahara Welfare Foundation, Academic Achiever Project, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)

A person with dyspraxia has problems with movement, coordination, judgment, processing, memory and some other cognitive skills. Dyspraxia also affects the body’s immune and nervous systems. Dyspraxia is also known as Motor Learning Difficulties, Perceptuo-Motor Dysfunction, and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Master X, 8+ yrs old, class 2nd was randomly screened out by the class teacher through Behavioural checklist for screening the learning disabled. With following complains: poor hand writing, inattentive, makes careless mistakes in studies, poor concentration, over all poor academic performance and very low confidence level, emotional & cries easily, etc. Here, an attempt was made to apply the therapeutic handling techniques to correct and see the impact of these techniques on the selected child with the diagnosis of Dyspraxia with co-morbid attention deficit Hyperactivity. To see the impact of pre and post therapeutic effects (after 6 months) method was used by the investigator. Psycho-educational assessment details report reveals that before intervention his full IQ range was 53 but after interventions this score increased & it was 84. Table 2 Diagnostic test of learning Disability scored score also shows tremendous variation. As we know that IQ can not increase or decreased so as per observations & experience it may be concluded that due to poor Fine motor skills and problem in expressive language dyspraxic child obtained poor score in psycho-educational evaluation.


Pages: 244-252
Shakti Desh (Child cum Rehabilitation Psychologist, Sahara Welfare Foundation, Academic Achiever Project, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh)