Drought and its impact on security environment
Pages: 636-638
Rahul Cloria (Department of Geography, G. D. C. Memorial College, Bahal, Bhiwani, Haryana)
India is an agrarian country and here nearly 70 percent population depends on agriculture. India is the second largest country in terms of population in the world and it is counted in developing countries. In our country, where there is a progressive economy, the second natural and man-made hazards prevent the country from development. India is influenced by many hazards like earthquake, flood, drought, tsunami etc. Every natural disaster has a large scale impact on our economy, in all these natural hazards drought is a pernicious hazards of nature which has a long lasting effect. Drought is temporary reduction in water or moisture availability below the average amount for a specific period. According to High level committee on disaster Management Report, “Any lack of water to satisfy the normal need of agricultural, non-agricultural, industrial or human population may be termed as drought”. In India the drought prone area include Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Utter Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Chhattisgarh. The Irrigation commission (1972) had identified 74 districts as drought prone. These comprise 326 Taluka located in 11 state. Disaster is a natural calamity caused by lack of rainfall and failure of monsoon. Drought can’t be eliminated from root, but its negative effect can be reduced by human awareness and government efforts.
Pages: 636-638
Rahul Cloria (Department of Geography, G. D. C. Memorial College, Bahal, Bhiwani, Haryana)