Distribution of depression, anxiety and stress among college girls in Hisar
Pages: 157-159
Rupal Hooda and Manju Mehta (Department of Family Resource Management, College of Home Science, CCS HAU, Hisar, Haryana)
Adolescence is duration of fears during which boys and girls shift from childhood to adulthood. To analyze the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among the girls students, a study was conducted on 60 girls students (30 day scholar and 30 hostel students) of age from 17 to 22 years selected randomly from college of home science, CCSHAU, Hisar. Most of the respondents were from to general caste (46.66%). Day scholar students in their first and third year of graduation were largely suffering from mild form of depression. Anxiety score increased from normal to moderate level from first to third year of graduation. Mild form of stress was the chief form (varying from 13.33 to 16.67%) with which girls were found to suffer with. Hostlers were suffering from mild (13.33% in 3rd year to 20% in 1st year students) and moderate (6.67% in 1st year to 10% in 3rd year) form of depression. The moderate anxiety score tended to increase (from 3.33% to 6.66%) from 1st year to 3rd year of graduation. Hostler girls were also reported to suffer from mild form of stress. Although severe form of depression, anxiety and stress were not the major issue but, moderate score of all these was found to increase which suggest that there is a need for special focus on the mental health of the girl student in colleges.
Pages: 157-159
Rupal Hooda and Manju Mehta (Department of Family Resource Management, College of Home Science, CCS HAU, Hisar, Haryana)