Dimension of academic motivation and age wise comparison in social intelligence among adolescents

Pages: 297-299
Reena, Bimla Dhanda, and Pinki Ninaniya (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, I. C. College of Home Sciences, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)

The present study was carried out on 300 adolescents from Panipat district of Haryana state. Academic motivation Scale by Areepattamannil (2006) was used to assess the influence of socioeconomic factors on academic motivation of adolescents. The results showed that there was significant difference (F=4.1*) between academic motivation in their blocks. Result revealed that significant difference was found for academic motivation across blocks Panipat versus Smalkha (Z=2.94**). Statistically non-significant differences were observed for academic motivation i.e. Panipat vs Bapoli (Z=1.0) and Bapoli vs Smalkha (Z=1.89) and Social intelligence scale by Chadda and Ganeshan (1986) was used to assess the social intelligence of adolescents. There was no significant increase in academic motivation and social intelligence with increase in age. Mean scores of respondents of 14 years of age for academic motivation was X =145.5 and social intelligence was =86.8, whereas for the respondents belonging to 13 years mean score in academic motivation X =143.7 and for social intelligence was X =86.6.


Pages: 297-299
Reena, Bimla Dhanda, and Pinki Ninaniya (Department of Human Development and Family Studies, I. C. College of Home Sciences, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana)