Digital social story for improving excess behaviours in childhood autism
Pages: 370-375
Sakshi Rai and Roy Bharati (Department of Psychology, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand)
Social story developed by Gray and Garrand (1993) was used heavily for the children with autism. Present study is an endeavour to amalgamate the form of video self-modelling dubbed under the vocal background of social story written individually for the need of the child. Present research is a one month intervention study following pre-post (A-B-A) design. Study examines the effectiveness of digital social story in improving problem behaviour in a child with childhood autism. The behaviour was operationalized in functional and topographical term and was further investigated on the measures of frequency, duration, severity and latency. Individual social story was written and recorded after obtaining consent with parents and was further given voice over by the therapist. Video of social story was shown to a child for thirty days and subsequently all the measures were repeated after one month in absence of any intervention. At the end of an intervention it was found that the behaviour chosen improved significantly on various measures and it continued to improve even in absence of an intervention up to the one month on certain measures. In order to examine the effectiveness of an intervention the proper parameter of chosen behaviour has to be determined by using appropriate recording method.
Pages: 370-375
Sakshi Rai and Roy Bharati (Department of Psychology, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand)